Coding Charts

Number of months coding per Employer, stacked by Language

Number of months per Language, stacked by Employer

Number of months per Employer, stacked by role

Number of months per Role, stacked by Employer

Breakdown of Languages used at various jobs

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The units are Number of Months for a given Employer, subdivided by technology.

Based on my Task Months chart, and looking at just the coding categories (Design Software, Create Software, Fix Software, Review Software)

Chart of Languages, by Employer

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The units are Number of Months for a given technology, subdivided by Employer.

Chart of Job Roles

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The units are Number of Months for a given Employer, subdivided by role.

Chart of Roles with a breakdown of Employer

[No canvas support]

The units are Number of Months for a given role, subdivided by Employer.

This chart was made with Rgraph